Victory at Scandaren

We stood in the deep shadow of the highest tower of the castle as the morning sun began to spread it's rays across the broad valley in front of us. Riders from the camp of Prince Chaldres had arrived late the previous evening to announce the news of complete victory over the advancing Mitanites. Word had quickly spread throughout the adjoining town and now, as the sun rose behind us, the populace was already filling the town square, eager for any news of the army's arrival.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of blazing trumpets on the morning breeze and as the advancing army crested the faraway hills, we caught the glint of armor and heard the sounds of the marching army, singing the song of victory.

The crowd roared it's welcome as all eyes strained for the first glimpse of the triumphant victors.
Standing near us, King Pelinor and his lovely wife, Queen Landura waved happily to the crowd. Their daughter, Princess Sommerage, stood at the edge of the walled fortress, hoping to be the first to see her betrothed, Duke Angrela.

As the Mitanites, raiders from the north, had ruthlessly advanced, Prince Chaldres and Duke Angrela had decided to lead a last ditch attack against them. Hopelessly outnumbered, they had drawn the enemy into a well planned trap that caught the invaders completely by surprise. Knowing the land of Scandaren from his boyhood, the Duke had plotted an elaborate hoax, relying on the caves, rocky hills and treacherous cliffs of Cormea to make his plan succeed.

The Prince, to make the enemy feel as though they were on the brink of a complete victory, pretended to attack and then fall back, drawing the enemy through the valley towards awaiting doom.

The Mitanites rushed headlong into complete chaos as their army, charging ahead in the gloom of twilight through a deep ravine, found itself on the edge of a deep chasm, unable to pull back. Angrela, leading his host from behind, gained the upper hand as horse and rider of the enemy were pushed over the edge.

Now, with victory in their hands, Prince Chaldres and Duke Angrela rode over the drawbridge to a tumultuous welcome. Advancing up the stairs they first knelt before King Pelinor.
Pelinor bade them rise, and, then, after embracing Queen Landura, the Prince and the Duke happily embraced the Princess. All were then presented to the crowds below.

The roar of approval was deafening, and as I turned to speak to Basio, Zyndal indicated that it was time to return. I promised myself that these moments would be immortalized in music, and so this piece is presented to you that you might share in the joy...........Davutus