Moon Madness

A listener in Warsaw, Poland, asked about the musical track, "Moon Madness". That particular track was written about a year ago after we returned from an adventure in the land of Syderna. Although it was a stressful time for all of us, it did have comic overtones. After setting up camp in the shelter of the Warring Stones, Basio had returned to the high road, hoping to make sure that we hadn't been followed by guards of Denabio, the court astrologer.

I had played music for the king at a banquet upon our arrival and his delight resulted in an invitation to stay for as long as we desired. This was not welcome news to Denabio who was jealous of anyone who might capture the attention of the royal family. He had made his displeasure known immediately and so we had some cause for concern.

On that first evening in the court, the king's young daughter, Princess Veroniqa, had been enchanted with the music. We were all totally surprised when she stood, left the king's table and began a charming dance. This delighted the royal family and the rest of the court, but infuriated Denabio. Any attention that the king showed to others was met with intense, but veiled, anger by Denabio. Huddled with several of his guards during the proceedings, the displeasure on his face spoke volumes.

The princess had also noticed that Denabio was not overjoyed with our presence in the court. With his resentment growing daily, Denabio was becoming a serious threat. Veroniqa, wanting to help our situation, decided to arrange a meeting with all of us, preparing our wine goblets beforehand. Basio, Zyndal and I were already in her chambers when Denabio arrived with two of his guards. Veroniqa asked the guards to remain outside her door during our conference. She then offered us a goblet of, what she called, her father's favorite vintage from the hills of Oscandon.

Not wishing to offend the princess, we all took our cups and sipped slowly from them as we eyed each other suspiciously. The windows of her suite afforded a beautiful view of the surrounding hills as the moon began it's rise over the valley. Time suddenly seemed to stand still and we all found ourselves in a very benevolent mood. The hypnotic effect of the moon, plus the fact that we were all on our third glass of wine, made us feel that we were all long-lost friends. Laughter and merriment was all around and it was coming from us! I was talking happily with Denabio while he was laughing at the antics of Basio who was attempting to dance like a ballerina.

Pulling me aside, Veroniqa indicated a doorway behind one of the tapestries. I turned back to the party, but she insisted that I take Zyndal and Basio and use the door. Although unwilling, we quickly made our way through the dim passage that led to a low rise outside the castle. Coming out into the fresh air, our heads suddenly cleared and we realized the help that Veroniqa had given us. We needed no invitation to put as much distance as we could between us and Denabio.

I wonder when he realized that we had made our escape under his very nose. This musical track was written after we returned to the estate, thankful for the help of the lovely princess Veroniqa.